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Сумма минимального заказа через интернет-магазин составляет 15000 рублей, 200 долларов США или 200 евро.

Artemisia mix

Produced in Russia

Ingredients: stems, leaves and flowers of the artemisia plant

Weight:50 g

100.00 ₽
Camomile mix (Matricaria)
Артикул: RBH1046
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Camomile mix

Produced in Russia

Ingredients: stems, leaves and flowers of the chamomile plant

Weight:50 g

100.00 ₽
Eucalyptus mix (Eucalyptus)
Артикул: RBH1309
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Eucalyptus mix

Produced in Russia

Ingredients: leaves of Eucalyptus viminalis

Weight:50 g

120.00 ₽
Lemon balm mix (Melissa)
Артикул: RBH1049
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Lemon balm mix

Produced in Russia

Ingredients: stem, leaves and flowering tops of the lemon balm plant

Weight:50 g

100.00 ₽
Mint mix (Mentha)
Артикул: RBH1045
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Mint mix

Produced in Russia

Ingredients: stem, leaves and flowering tops of the mint plant 

Weight:50 g

100.00 ₽
Nettle mix (Urtica dioica)
Артикул: RBH1317
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Nettle mix

Produced in Russia

Ingredients: stems, leaves and flowering tops of the thyme nettle plan

Weight:50 g

100.00 ₽

Sweet clover mix

Produced in Russia

Ingredients: stems, leaves and flowering tops of the sweet clover plant

Weight:50 g

100.00 ₽
Thyme mix (Thymus)
Артикул: RBH1047
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Thyme mix

Produced in Russia

Ingredients: stems, leaves and flowering tops of the thyme plan

Weight:50 g

100.00 ₽
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